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animal pharmacy



动物园的动物翻译成英文是:Zoo animals双语例句:They set off by ship with a few of the zoo animals.他们坐船出发,同船的还有一些来自动物园的动物。



It lives in the forest or the mountains in small animals for food tiger bones very hard, can do medicine, so for their fur and human bones often kill them


4,英语动物作先行词的定语从句后用的关系代词是that which 还是who

that 可以,who不行反正不能用whom动物做先行词的时,只有拟人化了,才能用who再说了,能用who的地方都能用that来替代,不用扣这么仔细的,不会有这种选择题出现的给你个网站,自己研究研究吧http://sl.iciba.com/viewthread,45,449795,1.shtml
你好!that 或 who打字不易,采纳哦!


需要注意:如强调一种方法,剪尾用tail-docking;而实验过程中强调的是剪尾动作,我使用的是tail-cleavage和cut,这并不矛盾,而是最严谨的用词。”3 个阿给组”应当是三个“处理组”吧?(1) Influence on the bleeding time of tail-docking little mouseFifty health Kunming mice (Mus musculus castaneus) (Number: males=females) were divided into five groups as follows: high-dosage treatment group (20g/kg), middle-dosage treatment group (10g/kg), low-dosage treatment group (5g/kg), Yunnan Baiyao (White Drug-Powder) positive control group (10g/kg), and Saline negative control group. Dosage regimen of once tail intravenous injection was used, 30 minutes after the regimen, cut off the tails quickly from ca. 1 cm above the tail-tips of the mice with sharp scissors and recorded time with a stop watch immediately in parallel with adsorption of the bleeding blood with filter papers. The time from tail-cleavage to bleeding-stopping was considered as the bleeding time of tail-docking of little mice. (2) Influence on vein bleeding time of ear edge of rabbitsThirty health Japanese Big-ear Rabbit (Lepus brachyurus) were randomly divided into five groups according to their body weights (six rabbits per group with equivalent males and females): high-dosage treatment group (20g/kg), middle-dosage treatment group (10g/kg), low-dosage treatment group (5g/kg), Yunnan Baiyao positive control group (10g/kg), and Saline control group. Dosage regimen of once ear-edge intravenous injection was used to the rabbits of the three treatment groups and the Yunnan Baiyao positive control group according to the designed dosages in the experiment, while those of the negative control group were injected saline with equivalent volume, 30 minutes after the regimen, punctured the veins in the ear-edge vein area of the hair-cut and disinfected ear-tips of the rabbits with disposable blood lancets, recorded time after the wounded area began to bleed, then dipped and absorbed the blood carefully with filter-paper strips in 20 minutes’ interval until the blood was not oozed out any longer (non-blood dipped in the filter-paper strips), the time from bleeding to bleeding-stopping was recorded as bleeding time.
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